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Do you crave restful nights and predictable days?

Is your day off because your toddler woke up at 5:30 again this morning?

Do you wish bedtime with your toddler was a point of connection instead of frustration?

Are you wishing for naps that lasted longer than 30-minutes so you can take care of yourself, your house, and the things you love?

Dad certified sleep consultant
Toddler Sleeping

Become the Sleep Guide Your Child Needs

With Melissa as your sleep coach, you will…


✔  Learn about the 5 foundations of healthy sleep.


✔  Receive a customized sleep plan tailored to your parenting style and your child’s sleep needs now and as they grow.


✔  Create new sleep routines now – so you can get back to the fun of it!


✔ Practice your new skills with the help of a certified sleep coach to guide you every step of the way.

Together, we’ll use gentle methods to build a secure bond with your child regarding sleep, using the three building blocks to better sleep:

curiosity, compassion, and consistency.

My husband and I have very busy, active work schedules, so sleep is very important to us.

Melissa helped guide us from cosleeping to how to let our toddler self-soothe, get to sleep sooner, and stay asleep through the night independently. She’s kind, patient, and doesn’t judge how others parent their kids. I recommend Melissa to anyone needing guidance on sleep

Mom, 21 month old

What The Clients Are Saying

Our Packages

Toddler certified sleep consultant

What's included?

  • Personalized Sleep Plan

  • Comprehensive Training Call (45 mins)

  • Email Support for 3 consecutive days

  • 30 minute scheduled wrap up call


Toddler sleep consultant

What's included?


  • Personalized Sleep Plan

  • Comprehensive Training Call (45 mins)

  • 1 Hour Live / Virtual Coaching on the first night of sleep training

  • Email Support for 7 consecutive days

  • 30 minute scheduled wrap up call

  • 30 minute scheduled call to be used up to 6 months after training

Toddler sleep consultant
  • Virtual Tour of Sleep Environment

  • Personalized Sleep Plan

  • 45 minute Training Call to Review Sleep Plan

  • 2 Hour Live / Virtual Coaching

  • Text Support First Night of Sleep

  • Email Support for 14 consecutive days

  • 30 minute scheduled wrap up call

  • 2 scheduled calls to be used up to 12 months after training

What's included?


Your Sleep Guarantee

Your success will rest on your consistency and as such there are no refunds. 

That said, you have up to 12 months to use your services.

certified sleep consultant

Your Personalized Sleep Plan

A customized, science based sleep plan designed specifically for your little one where you’ll learn how to make gentle changes to your child’s current routines, using a step-by-step action plan you can implement RIGHT NOW to give your baby the sleep they need.

sleep consultant near me

A Private Sleep Training Session

In this 45-minute call, you will…

- Learn the exact steps to take for your sleeper based on their age, sleep challenges and goals

- Have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about your child’s Sleep Plan

sleep consultant near me

Ongoing Email Support During Your Sleep Training + Beyond

Each morning, you’ll have the opportunity to touch base with your sleep coach about how it’s going during your sleep training so you can…

- Share your wins and your struggles with your coach

- Get guidance and advice for that night

- Ask any questions you may have

- Your Sleep Consultant will review your daily progress and make any necessary modifications

Give your entire family

the gift of sleep training.

Included in all Packages

Basic Sleep Package Toddler
Toddler sleep consultant


Designed for the DIY parent, this package includes everything you’ll need to implement a full sleep plan with direct support from Melissa as your personal guide for the first 3 days of your sleep journey.


What's included?

  • 15-minute intake call

  • Baby Sleep Questionnaire

  • Personalized Sleep Plan

  • Comprehensive Training Call (45 mins)

  • Email Support for 3 consecutive days

  • 30 minute scheduled wrap up call

Need help choosing the plan that is right for you?

Toddler sleep consultant


This package includes the essentials to healthy sleep for confident parents needing just the right amount of support. Through the evaluative questionnaire we’ll develop, train and apply a personalized and customized sleep plan just for your family! This package includes an ongoing support for week one and an additional call to use for future sleep needs.


What's included?

  • Optional: 15-minute intake call

  • Baby Sleep Questionnaire

  • Shared Daily Logs

  • Personalized Sleep Plan

  • Comprehensive Training Call (45 mins)

  • 1 Hour Live / Virtual Coaching on the first night of sleep training

  • Email Support for 7 consecutive days

  • 30 minute scheduled wrap up call

  • 30-minute scheduled call to be used up to 6 months after training

Need help choosing the plan that is right for you?

Core Sleep Package Toddler
Plus Sleep Package Toddler
Toddler sleep consultant


With the maximum amount of support, let me act as a bonus parent throughout your sleep journey and beyond. Offering a comprehensive, personalized sleep plan, live training, just-in-time phone and/or email support, and extended daily check-ins for up to two weeks, this plan will keep you connected with your sleep specialist for added comfort and care.


What's included?

  • Optional: 15-minute intake call

  • Baby Sleep Questionnaire

  • Shared Daily Logs

  • Virtual Tour of Sleep Environment

  • Personalized Sleep Plan

  • 45 minute Training Call to Review Sleep Plan

  • 2 Hour Live / Virtual Coaching

  • Text Support First Night of Sleep

  • Email Support for 14 consecutive days

  • 30 minute scheduled wrap up call

  • 2 scheduled calls to be used up to 12 months after training

Need help choosing the plan that is right for you?

Whether you need a 30-minute SOS phone call or continued daily support from a sleep specialist, we’re here to guide you all the way.

Book a FREE consultation to determine the package that will best suit your needs and desired support.

Additional Services

30 Minute SOS Call

Call sleep consultant

Need help now?

Have a quick need for answers on one specific area of sleep?

Book your SOS call now and get the help you need!


Continued Support

sleep consultant

This package is intended for current sleep training package holders, requesting additional and continued email support

for 7 consecutive days

during sleep training.


Twins Package

Twins Package sleep consultant

Includes all of the premium necessities in the

plus package 

for both of your little ones. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of the most common questions I’ve received.
If you don’t see your question answered below, send me your question via email at and I’ll be happy to answer it for you.

  • How long will this take? I’m exhausted and don’t think I can do this for multiple weeks!
    Sleep training can take all forms from help with independent sleep at bedtime and through the night, weaning nighttime feeds and nap training. Typically it takes between 3 nights and 7 nights for bedtime routines, 7-14 days for consistency in overnight training including weaning feedings and 14 - 30+ days for consistency in new nap routines. All of this is based on your baby's needs, your chosen sleep method and your ability to be consistent (and stay at home) during training. This is a small investment in your time and energy for major long term lifestyle gains. Remember, babies who go to sleep independently and with ease are babies that families can travel with and babysitters are excited to watch for a much needed parents night out. You can do this!
  • Can I just read about this online?
    Absolutely! There are plenty of free resources online, at the public library, and on You Tube. But…how much time will it take for you to find those resources, consume those resources, make a plan for your family, and implement the plan for your family? And, are they customized for your specific child at their particular age and their unique sleep challenges? Why not have an expert do all of that reading and learning for you and customize a plan specifically for you and your family, and be there every step of the way as you implement it? You’re busy, we all are. Allow me to walk alongside you.
  • Is the recommendation just to walk him back to his room over and over and over until it stops? Or let him cry it out until it stops? I don’t think I can do it!
    Most people hear about sleep training and think of harsh routines with limited compassion or flexibility, generally with a picture of a baby crying themselves to sleep. However, Simply Babies believes in creating a plan that is just right for your baby, based on their temperament, parents’ philosophy and current family dynamics. There are 5 methods to choose from to help your child and your family get the sleep they need. These range from very little interaction with the parent to the parent staying physically present as the baby falls asleep. I’ll work with you to identify the method that suits your family’s needs and give your baby data-driven, compassionate support in these offered opportunities for self-soothing, independent sleep.
  • What age is appropriate for sleep training?
    Our sleep packages vary from Newborn Care & Sleep Tips to the more commonly known Sleep Training. From 0-3 months we focus primarily on healthy sleep foundations and establishing habits that will lead to the baby's eventual ability to fall asleep independently. It is not until 4 months or 12 lbs (as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics) that we begin sleep training the child. Around 4 months (adjusted, calculated based on due date, not birth date), infant sleep changes to baby sleep, as your child’s vision increases as well as their awareness of their surroundings including lights, sounds, caregivers and day versus night. If the pediatrician gives the green light, this is a sweet spot for sleep training. However, any age (yes, even into adulthood) sleep habits can be evaluated and corrected to accommodate sleep needs and lifestyle changes.
  • Can other caregivers join in the training?
    Absolutely. Invite any parent, guardian or caregiver to the initial training session or add on a “Continued Support” package to include an additional training session with loved ones. It is imperative that for the first few weeks of sleep training, everyone is on the same page and giving the child consistent expectations for sleep routines. Children thrive on routines and even more from the safety they feel when all caregivers act in the same way: calm, loving, consistent. I truly believe it takes everyone to raise a child, my village is large including family and friends and they all subscribe to my daughter’s sleeping and feeding needs as the primary parent. I’d love to help you build that for your family as well!
  • Will my child still call for me if they need me? Will sleep training damage my bond with my child?
    Yes, in fact part of your sleep training will emphasize the importance of secure attachment styles and how to continue to build that with your child outside of falling asleep, during awake hours with engaged play and connected, loving affection. It is a myth that you will never go into your child’s room again at night. Your child feels safe with you. They will learn to self-soothe for regular sleep but if they are in need of their parent or guardian, your child will still call for you and we’ll discuss ways to differentiate those moments.
  • Can I purchase this as a gift?
    Absolutely! Every family deserves the gift of sleep. Email with your gift requests before purchasing! Already purchased? No problem. Connect with Melissa and we’ll get this package to you or the appropriate parent with ease!
certified sleep consultant
certified sleep consultant
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